Saturday, August 18, 2007

Deans on the move!

We left Wednesday morning and drove to San Antonio. There we had lunch with Maggie's great aunt Patsy and dinner with our friend Eric. Hooray San Antonio!

On Thursday we set our sights on El Paso. After many hours, books and even a crossword puzzle (for learning purposes) we arrived. After checking in and a quick trip to the hotel gym, with treadmills circa 1982, we ate dinner with our friend Jay. Hooray El Paso!

Yesterday we continued the trek on I 10 West and I learned that there is NOTHING between El Paso and Tuscon. Well, NOTHING, except for The Thing?! What is The Thing?, you may be asking. I wish I could tell you, I really do. But you will just have to drive to Arizona and pay your dollar to take the tour and find out. When we arrived in Pheonix we expereinced a time travel situation. All the clocks in Phoenix we an hour earlier. We consulted our map and confirmed that we have NOT crossed into Pacific Time. Color us confused, but too tired to care. Perhas we had an outdated map. After dinner we called Tommy Dolan who informed up that Arizona does not oberve Daylight Savings Time! NUTTY ARIZONA!

TODAY....WE ARE OFF TO CALI! More updates upon arrival! Wahoo!

Bye Bye Bye,


Amanda said...

What an adventure with your hubby!

The Schmidt Family said...

Enjoy the sights..or guess I should say, the lack of the busyness of the city. Have fun you 2!